Second, succesful collaboration between David Sylvian and Ryuichi Sakamoto. Vocal version of the theme of the movie "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence".
Finally the album L'Albero Pazzo by Andrea Chimenti has been re-issued. A chance for people who desperately want the track Ti Ho Aspettato (I Have Waited For You) feauring David SYlvian on an offical CD.
Joan As Police Woman (Joan Wasser) released her second album nearly two years to the date after her debut Real Life arrived.
Extraordinary compilation.
This is a CD (VVSAM1) made in the UK and issued by Virgin Records way back in 1991. It features 10 tracks by various artists. It also features a multipage clour booklet with notes/pics about the various Virgin releases.
Very popular compilation series.
Download only remixes album featuring 4 remixes from Steve Jansen's Slope.
This edition is correctly mastered. A very similar edition exists on which the track index points for disc 2 are incorrectly mastered. The tracklist may vary in different releases and countries.
One of the major collector’s items available. The box itself is a piece of art (design by Russell Mills) and as a 5 CD retrospective it’s the ultimate object on the mantelpiece of the David Sylvian collector. Each CD has a new artwork inlay, combined with printed artwork on the jewel-case itself, which gives a complete new image. The box