by Karl Lippegaus. Er wohnt zusammen mit einer schönen Japanerin im obersten Stockwerk eines unauffälligen Reihenhauses. In diesem Stadtteil von London leben Menschen, die weder besonders arm noch besonders reich sind, und scheinbar doch was vom guten Leben verstehen. Als ich durch die kleinen Straßen gehe und nach dem Haus von David Sylvian suche, denke ich, hier mieten die letzten
Scans online of articles, interviews and evrything else that couldn’t be transcripted.
Interview by Tim Goodyer. Fotography by Martin Goddard. (E&MM, Sept. 1986) As well as gaining artistic credibility since leaving Japan. David Sylvian has inspired musicians with his ability to fuse traditional ethnic and hi-tech elements into a moving and unique brand of music. A new single, ‘Taking the Veil’, is the prelude to a double album that explores both Sylvian’s songwriting
OOR magazine (NL) nr.19 release date September 20th 1986.
Master Craftsman David Sylvian by Mark Prendergast Since the break-up of his group Japan in November 1982, David Sylvian has been slowly widening the base of his music to encompass both ethnic and avant-garde sounds. Mark Prendergast gathers the facts on the change of style.
Exorcising Ghosts, David Sylvian by Tim Goodyer The charismatic singer, composer and lyricist rejoins the former members of Japan for their first LP in ten years. Tim Goodyer talks technology, philosophy and improvisation with David Sylvian.
Rain Tree Crow interview.
Rain Tree Crow" by Nigel Humberstone (SOUND ON SOUND, June '91)
4-page article/interview with David Sylvian in Italian magazine Ciao 2001 by Francesco Adinolfi. Pictures by Guido Harari.
4-page article/interview with David Sylvian in Belgium magazineBackstage Muziekmagazine.
Though he’s not of this earth, David Sylvian’s music has shadowed his spiritual quest for a place on it. It’s a difficult path, but his new album says it’s worth the struggle. Words: Rob Young Photography: Michele Turriani
A two part article (written in dutch) in the Dutch magazine OOR published on 17 April 1999. One part is about David Sylvian (by Herman van der Horst) and the second part is about the history of Japan (by Mark van Schaik).
6 page article in Italian magazine Paperlate by Roberto Mattiuzzo
Article published in the french magazine "Rock&Folk"( issue 412- December 2001).
Japanese 230 page magazine, featuring article on David Sylvian.
Invisible Jukebox: David Sylvian (The Wire, June 2003)
Audio & video, Scans, Transcripts, Interview, 0Every month, Wire magazine plays a musician a series of records which asked to identify and comment on – with no prior knowledge of what they’re about to hear. Tested by Christoph Cox. Photos by Chris Buck.
Future Music interview (nov/dec 2003, issue 143) by Danny Turner 2003 Future Music. Republished with kind permission of Future Music Magazine.
Interview by Marcus Boon
Interview by Claudio Chianura with David Sylvian in Italian magazine InSound (Nr. 1) december 2005, about Nine Horses. 6 pages in Italian with many photographs of Nine Horses and David/Steve performing live in 2003.
DAVID SYLVIAN ON HIS MUSICAL AND SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AS A WORLD CITIZEN Interview by Hugh Bohane, New Internationalist August 2007.
Article (in dutch) by Frank de Munnik in the Dutch TV magazine VPRO Gids (issue 39, 29th September 2007).
Interview by Tommaso Toma in the Italian music paper Il Giornale della Musica September 2009
From the avant-glam pop of ]apan to free-jazz improv, he has spent three decades challenging himself. Where next for the latter-day Scott Walker? lts still all out there to be done, says David Sylvian. Interview by Phil Alexander. Portrait by Kevin Westenberg.
Interview with David Sylvian as published in Insound, an Italian magazine, by Barbara Trigari. Pictures by Rita Antonioli, taken in Milan Italy Translation of this interview would be more than welcome my Italian friends…..
Interview by Chris van Oostrom in the dutch music magazine Revolver Nr.30, October 2009.
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