Release date:
September 3, 2011
Your small body clinging tightly to mine
With frightening dependency
Life defining, impossible to betray
And with that
The mattress rose
Set adrift on the burgeoning emotional tide
Colliding with the once stationary objects
Of an uninhabited life
What had been concealed
Was exhaled from god knows where
Colour-drained, unsalvageable
Shape shifting
And, with function relinquished
Resigned from service
Two blue sleeping bags
Nudged against one another
Bearing the once warm imprint of our bodies
The sun-baked stone garden
Retracted its promise
It was cold in that place of perpetual summer
If you were afraid you didnt show it
You who were born bearing the face
Of irrepressible grief
So as not to disappoint you
I lay motionless
Rapt by the rise and stall of your breathing
Your fingertips and thighs
Quietly affirming my place at your side.
David participated Arve Henriksen on stage at the live performance of Before And Afterlife and Thermal.Personnel
David Sylvian
Jan Bang
Erik Honore
Eivind Aarset
Ingar Zach
Anna Maria Friman
Presenter: Fiona Talkington
Technician in charge: Geir Oestenjoe
Lights/set-design: Tord Knudsen
Video features footage of the rehearsals and Sorrow And Its Opposite.
Photos copyright by davidsylvian.net & Dirk Tholenaar