Release date:
March 16, 2011
David Sylvian
a place of nurture and withdrawal
and the division of the skin
between interior and ex
self invading the space of non-self
the foundation of four-walled reality dematerialised
scale and dimension lost in a Pop-Tarkovsky dream state
and music forever
hallucinogenic landscapes resemble Nasa shots of
distant cosmos
irradiated colour
the mutant vegetation a primordial presence
representatives of a pervasive consciousness
uncommon deities
ambient manga
characters cut off, cast adrift
absented from story line
sunk in ambivalent self absorption
background magnified
they haunt their emotional landscapes
a teenage self containment
that comfort of melancholy
a loose limbed sensuality
permeates the forest
archetypal messengers in plain view
navigators of the dream reality
shamanic pathfinders
their footfalls the only certainty
an immaterial truth
yes, inside's out
an energy sourced from inexhaustible circuitry
plugged in, life radiates from wall sockets
with divine luminescence
and the rural in contrast has all the hygiene of an appliance store
alienation exudes a sense of comfort borrowed from its origins
in the home
sixties psychedelic poster art
in media of dust motes and light particles
a fine sherbet powder pop patina
baker's glaze, soul candy
on the threshold of the courtyard at the city's extremity
as truth and identity become increasingly malleable
with no fixed points of reference
he leaves the door ajar
an invitation for the return of the celestial
A poem by David Sylvian printed in a handmade limited edition print with art by Atsushi Fukui (Published by Heavenly Monkey 2010)
The text used for this broadside was originally written to accompany a catalogue for an exhibition of Fukui’s work which never materialised. David Sylvian later sent the poem, entitled ‘Uncommon Deities,’ to the publisher Heavenly Monkey and requested Fukui create original artwork specifically for this edition.
The result is this beautiful handprinted broadside, limited to an edition of 30, signed and numbered by both artists, and 4 A.P. copies.